Infinite Business Solutions

Project Management Process Development

© 2013 | HOLT Consultants Ltd.

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with Your Success in Mind

Stage 1: Assessment

What needs to be done and why?

Step 1 is to find out what the project is all about. This is the assessment of the needs, a review of the “pain points” raised by the client and is usually a general discussion of the reason for the project. To be clear this is not the business analysis or requirements gathering exercise that will occur as part of the project management process. This is the first introduction to the project. The conceptual view of the project. This is the determining why we are doing this project from a Sponsors point of view.

This assessment will be different client by client, it is fully customized based on the size and complexity of the potential project. The engagement needs to be quantified and qualified. Whether it is a project rescue; a project audit; a migration of data; a risk mitigation requirement; a deployment of hardware; the development and delivery of a new software from design to launch or many other project descriptors.

This customized sizing can be done as simply as part of the initial engagement review with the sponsor, or as complex as a response to a Request for Proposal (RFP). The output can be a simple document or a detailed Statement of Work. It really depends, and each circumstance will be different

A key aspect to this project assessment is the review of three essential elements that exist in all projects, the three Ps. Product, Process and People. The review of the Product defines what it is (an application, an audit, hardware etc.; the Process provides details on what is being done) deployment, implementation, reporting etc.; and People shows who is involved (internal teams, outsourcing, stakeholders, sponsor etc.)

The overall objective of the assessment is to quantify and qualify what needs to be done. This can be stated as being a Gap Analysis, a definition of the Current State as compared to the expected Future State.

Stage 2: Recommendation & Plan

What we propose to do

After the assessment we start to think about how we can close the Gap. How do we get there from here?

The answers to that come in the form of a report of some sort. It again depends on the size and complexity of the project, but can be a simple short-form report, highlighting what needs to be done, who is going to do it, when it is going to be done, and how much it will cost. The answers will be customized based on the client and the project, but the conceptual view of how the Gap will be filled is required. If the level of complexity is higher, and essentially the information came from a RFP, then a much more detailed response will be required.

This report is the recommendation for moving forward or the response to a request for proposal and will form the basis of the project plan. The Project Plan, not the Project Schedule (MS Project etc.) calls for the necessary components that might be required for the project. Everything from the Change Management plan to the Communications plan, from the Procurement plan to the Resource Management plan and much more.

Regardless of the complexity, the Recommendation and Plan will come about working in a consultative and collaborative fashion with the client and teams, to produce an actionable plan, designed to meet expectations and requirements.

Stage 3: Delivery and Execution

After the Assessment has been completed and the Recommendation provided, and approved, the time is to “put money where the mouth is+ – to put into practice what we have recommended.

In all cases Holt Consultants is prepared to deliver on and “own” the recommendation that will close the Gap. We are accountable and take responsibility for the results. Focused delivery/Objective: “Getting Things Done”

Three attributes – Partnership – Practical – Transparent

Stage 4: Training Workshops

As on optional 4th step or a separate offering, the fully customizable workshop “Project Management for the Non-Project Manager” provides a practical approach to project management, and while directed at the non-project manager or novice, the learnings from this practical approach can be used by anyone in the project management environment.

The approach is simple, based on the needs for the organization or group, the workshop reviews the basics of project management, the standard tenants of the trade and then, based on Holt’s experiences provides a practical approach to running projects.

First steps towards project management certification

Objective: Running own Projects